Friday, September 20, 2019

Resurrection~ A Brand New (Old) Blog

Hello there!

Long ago, when my children were much younger and I still had some sense of metabolism, I used to blog on a regular basis. I loved sharing writing craft articles, blog posts, interviews, and book giveaways. I also used the blog as a place to gush about my favorite books and authors. My last post was dated March 2018, when my gushing was in honor of Joy McCullough's BLOOD/WATER/PAINT and Lauren Magaziner's WIZARDMATCH.


Recently, I decided that I'd like to start gush-blogging again, but when I tried to sign into Blogger, it said that, (GASP!) I had no blog! Which seems silly, because my blog is right here (warning: it now says that it's 'unsecure'):

So I've started a new blog with the same name, but a different web address (um, being the one that you're on right now: I've lost all of my query/revision/interview links, but I definitely haven't lost my love of books.

I'm just getting started here, but keep an eye out for posts in the future!

Resurrection~ A Brand New (Old) Blog

Hello there! Long ago, when my children were much younger and I still had some sense of metabolism, I used to blog on a regular basis. I l...